
Transaction on August 9, 2020 at 4:39:52 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date2020/8/9 UTC 04:39:52
Transaction ID62519d0d6319cf22671c80449f520e26afe7306c839a7602b692b73d88caba4a
Included in block135609638
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (13)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

check_count: 2
community_cards: (5)
  1. 37
  2. 18
  3. 3
  4. 13
  5. 56
dealer_card_type: 2
dealer_combination: (5)
  1. 37
  2. 56
  3. 13
  4. 11
  5. 43
game_id: 1520453
hand_cards1: (2)
  1. 11
  2. 43
hand_cards2: (2)
  1. 38
  2. 26
phase: 5
play_operate: 2
player_card_type: 1
player_comination: (5)
  1. 37
  2. 38
  3. 56
  4. 26
  5. 13
quantity: -20.0000 EOS
seed: ba0eef367496f4a68c53e416b2f4e14ae2007fe536976d8380b8858426e4d013
winner: 1
from: texas.bg
memo: opqaooone.tp-tpdappincome
quantity: 40.0000 EOS
to: wallet.bg
Signed by:
after: 1593.6530 EOS
before: 1553.6530 EOS
from: texas.bg
player: opqaooone.tp
quantity: 40.0000 EOS
ante: 10.0000 EOS
blind: 10.0000 EOS
created_at: 1596947985
game_id: 1520453
memo: opqaooone.tp-tpdappincome
play: 0.0000 EOS
player: opqaooone.tp
player_hand_number: 2
proxy: wallet.bg
referrer: tpdappincome
sign: SIG_K1_KZ7kdEGWy3PVNcAJXw6U5GuQaRBPfhcevguDpppo19zKxSLMMv9oN3G82b6NMQFoYjsYgwCK7hNJvFR4XPsD5zFPcuNRmD
state: 3
trips: 0.0000 EOS
txid_bet: f6e7e6d0264ffba70dfab595809fb02013ec35ed50cbe030d49b6d75f67f1672
txid_fold: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
txid_play: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
ante_win: -10.0000 EOS
blind_win: -10.0000 EOS
check_count: 2
community_cards: 37[♥5],18[♣2],3[♦3],13[♦K],56[♠8]
dealer_card_type: 2
dealer_combie: PAIR(一对)37[♥5],56[♠8],13[♦K],11[♦J],43[♥J]
game_id: 1520453
hand_cards1: 11[♦J],43[♥J]
hand_cards2: 38[♥6],26[♣10]
phase: 5
play_win: 0.0000 EOS
player_card_type: 1
player_combie: HIGH CARD(散牌)37[♥5],38[♥6],56[♠8],26[♣10],13[♦K]
player_hand_number: 2
trips_win: 0.0000 EOS
winner: 4
Signed by:
amount: 3.7500 BG
from: texas.bg
memo: This is the BG reward for your betting. BIG.GAME, Fair & Exciting EOS Gaming Platform! 下注所得BG奖励。BIG.GAME,公平刺激的EOS游戏平台!
player: opqaooone.tp
Signed by:
from: miner.bg
memo: This is the BG reward for your betting. BIG.GAME, Fair & Exciting EOS Gaming Platform! 下注所得BG奖励。BIG.GAME,公平刺激的EOS游戏平台!
quantity: 3.7500 BG
to: opqaooone.tp
Signed by:
from: miner.bg
memo: for developers
quantity: 0.5357 BG
to: coder.bg
Signed by:
from: miner.bg
memo: for operation
quantity: 0.5357 BG
to: offer.bg
Signed by:
from: texas.bg
quantity: 0.0200 EOS
to: bonus.bg
Signed by:
from: texas.bg
memo: opqaooone.tp
quantity: 0.0200 EOS
to: bonus.bg
Signed by:
from: texas.bg
memo: Referral bonus for inviting opqaooone.tp!BIG.GAME, Fair & Exciting EOS Gaming Platform ! 成功推荐opqaooone.tp获得推荐奖励!BIG.GAME,公平刺激的EOS游戏平台!
quantity: 0.0240 EOS
to: tpdappincome
Signed by:
player: opqaooone.tp
referral_fee: 0.0240 EOS
referrer: tpdappincome
Signed by:
ante: 10.0000 EOS
ante_win: -10.0000 EOS
blind: 10.0000 EOS
blind_win: -10.0000 EOS
check_count: 2
community_cards: 37[♥5],18[♣2],3[♦3],13[♦K],56[♠8]
dealer_best_combination: PAIR(一对)37[♥5],56[♠8],13[♦K],11[♦J],43[♥J]
game_id: 1520453
hand_cards1: 11[♦J],43[♥J]
hand_cards2: 38[♥6],26[♣10]
info: BIG.GAME, Fair & Exciting EOS Gaming Platform! BIG.GAME,公平刺激的EOS游戏平台!
payout: 40.0000 EOS
phase: 5
play: 0.0000 EOS
play_win: 0.0000 EOS
player: opqaooone.tp
player_best_combination: HIGH CARD(散牌)37[♥5],38[♥6],56[♠8],26[♣10],13[♦K]
player_hand_number: 2
public_key: EOS8aBhWoUfbLPAMwccqd2pRxjd1SVB3vuaEfGyjGtBjySr2oCZPM
result: fold(弃牌)
seed: ba0eef367496f4a68c53e416b2f4e14ae2007fe536976d8380b8858426e4d013
sign: SIG_K1_KZ7kdEGWy3PVNcAJXw6U5GuQaRBPfhcevguDpppo19zKxSLMMv9oN3G82b6NMQFoYjsYgwCK7hNJvFR4XPsD5zFPcuNRmD
trips: 0.0000 EOS
trips_win: 0.0000 EOS
Signed by: