
Transaction on November 19, 2021 at 10:07:14 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date2021/11/19 UTC 10:07:14
Transaction ID86a916a2366cb5d6107cbce9b9985d2aae9074016899b86ae5e8788cea2124bf
Included in block216308219
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (5)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

from: gq4tiojqgqge
memo: repay
quantity: 122.4440 USN
to: lend.pizza
args: (3)
  1. gq4tiojqgqge
  2. pzusn
  3. 192.44108037 USN
contract: lend.pizza
event: upborrow
millis: 1637316434000
contract: danchortoken
from: gq4tiojqgqge
quantity: 122.4440 USN
s: repay
from: lend.pizza
memo: repay
quantity: 122.4440 USN
to: vault.pizza
args: (3)
  1. gq4tiojqgqge
  2. pzusn
  3. 122.4440 USN
contract: lend.pizza
event: repay
millis: 1637316434000