
Transaction on November 25, 2021 at 10:39:30 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date2021/11/25 UTC 10:39:30
Transaction IDf0d2aa16088c2718cf934dad992123d63d7e2c65b38f8244e5ada87043e1b3aa
Included in block217348568
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (10)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

from: lijinlin1555
memo: lijinlin1555
quantity: 5.0500 USDT
to: ecurve3pool1
account: lijinlin1555
amount: 5.0500 USDT
minreturn: 5.042451 USDC
from: ecurve3pool1
memo: swap amount
quantity: 5.0500 USDT
to: depositusd11
from: depositusd11
memo: exchaned amount
quantity: 5.042452 USDC
to: lijinlin1555
balances: (3)
  1. 1307242.807349 USDC
  2. 1363576.058619 DAI
  3. 2104191.309600 USDT
from: lijinlin1555
memo: swap,11937,1255
quantity: 5.042451 USDC
to: swap.defi
from: swap.defi
memo: Defibox: swap protocol fee
quantity: 0.005042 USDC
to: fees.defi
fee: 0.015126 USDC
owner: lijinlin1555
pair_id: 1255
quantity_in: 5.042451 USDC
quantity_out: 1.1957 EOS
reserve0: 98981.760843 USDC
reserve1: 23540.6577 EOS
trade_price: 0.23736408935625436
Contract: dadusdtokens
asset: 5.042451 USDC
Contract: eosio.token
asset: 1.1957 EOS
pair_id: 1255
to: lijinlin1555
from: swap.defi
memo: Defibox: swap token
quantity: 1.1957 EOS
to: lijinlin1555