
Transaction on August 3, 2020 at 5:37:12 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date2020/8/3 UTC 05:37:12
Transaction ID05d1b940cefeaf44a5c2a3d9dc6fb2170fb7c88a5eae57bbf1eb3c6115d4cc18
Included in block134579763
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (1)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

base_prices: (15)
  1. 4,EOS-298187,5
  2. 4,USDE-1,0
  3. 4,USDT-1000728,6
  4. 4,PIZZA-9694,6
  5. 4,BTCUP-151898306,6
  6. 4,BTCDOWN-38984849,6
  7. 4,NDX-88,5
  8. 4,DFS-442202,6
  9. 4,TPT-1694,6
  10. 4,DICE-443,6
  11. 4,KEY-1023,6
  12. 4,EIDOS-553,6
  13. 4,AMT-297,6
  14. 4,VIG-762,5
  15. 4,VIGOR-1,0
prices: (15)
  1. pzeos-10009478167,10
  2. pzusde-10056209455,10
  3. pzusdt-10032417684,10
  4. pzpizza-1005261084,9
  5. pzbtcup-11781596056,10
  6. pzbtcdn-13452201481,10
  7. pzndx-10005764657,10
  8. pzdfs-10201370569,10
  9. pztpt-10001133807,10
  10. pzdice-10020406278,10
  11. pzkey-10009046423,10
  12. pzeidos-1000666571,9
  13. pzamt-10004466097,10
  14. pzvig-10000017576,10
  15. pzvigor-1,0
time: 1596433030