
Transaction on August 6, 2020 at 8:11:04 AM UTC

Finality StatusIrreversible
Date2020/8/6 UTC 08:11:04
Transaction ID4225a8a7a08778e27b109fa95c8e3a3b8ba1ddeb844162b13cd86c2b3bd6d4b0
Included in block135116614
Contracts used

Resulting Actions (13)

The actions and inline actions performed as a result of the transaction.

bet_id: 13090067484793465981
sig: SIG_K1_KkSF8frqjUwEduk3g7Msk9ykTShjXUYumkcieqfkrHYkxTfnPpbpU6ukjCjKFd6QD9bn5xo58PeKzJtU8QCEhhpndR9dmN
bet_id: 13090067484793465981
sig: SIG_K1_KkSF8frqjUwEduk3g7Msk9ykTShjXUYumkcieqfkrHYkxTfnPpbpU6ukjCjKFd6QD9bn5xo58PeKzJtU8QCEhhpndR9dmN
id: 103
value: 6
id: 104
value: 6
bet_amount_int: 300
bet_id: 13090067484793465981
bettor: ninjaninja11
referral: eosreelgroup
memo: [EOSreel] Mining rewards. Player:ninjaninja11 Bet ID:13090067484793465981 - by. https://EOSreel.io
quantity: 6.0000 ER
to: ninjaninja11
from: eosreeltoken
memo: [EOSreel] Mining rewards. Player:ninjaninja11 Bet ID:13090067484793465981 - by. https://EOSreel.io
quantity: 6.0000 ER
to: ninjaninja11
memo: [EOSreel] Refer a friend, get rewards. - Player:ninjaninja11, Bet ID:13090067484793465981 - by. https://EOSreel.io
quantity: 0.6000 ER
to: eosreelgroup
from: eosreeltoken
memo: [EOSreel] Refer a friend, get rewards. - Player:ninjaninja11, Bet ID:13090067484793465981 - by. https://EOSreel.io
quantity: 0.6000 ER
to: eosreelgroup
memo: [EOSreel] Mined for team
quantity: 0.9600 ER
to: eosreelgroup
from: eosreeltoken
memo: [EOSreel] Mined for team
quantity: 0.9600 ER
to: eosreelgroup
betAmount: 0.0300 EOS
betCount: 1433197
betId: 13090067484793465981
bettor: ninjaninja11
freeSpinCount: 0
freeSpinTotal: 0
freeSpinsPayoutAmount: 0.0000 EOS
gameHashPattern: 9f5848c8e6dc7103344d77e280b3a6
gameResult: L
gameSymbolPattern: (3)
  1. L2L3M4M3WW
  2. M3L4H1WWL2
  3. M3L4M2L4L2
gameType: N
hashSeed: f54389d1c6ece2719309c0c9d8639faf9e9f5848c8e6dc7103344d77e280b3a6
jackpotCount: 0
jackpotResult: L
payoutAmount: 0.0000 EOS
ref: eosreelgroup
sig: SIG_K1_KkSF8frqjUwEduk3g7Msk9ykTShjXUYumkcieqfkrHYkxTfnPpbpU6ukjCjKFd6QD9bn5xo58PeKzJtU8QCEhhpndR9dmN
timestamp: 1596701456
winLinePattern: (0)
winLinePayout: (0)
winLinePayoutAmount: (0)
winSymbol: (0)
winSymbolCount: (0)
winSymbolIndex: (0)
winSymbolPattern: (0)
winTotalLine: 0
bet_id: 13090067484793465981